
Whatever your age, gender or ethnicity and wherever you are on your journey of faith, we invite you to any of our church activities.


Growing in Faith 

lending library is available for anyone to use, and a study group – we call it Time to Discover - meets fortnightly in members’ homes.  A prayer group meets weekly on Thursdays on church premises and a Fellowship Group monthly

on Wednesdays.


Working with our neighbouring Churches

Churches Together in Keyworth organises key annual events such as a Good Friday walk of witness, Study Groups in Lent, and the Christian Aid Week collection. All our children and young people’s activities are undertaken with other churches in the village.


Serving the Community

We are conscious of being members of communities from the local to the worldwide.


Wednesday we run a Family Coffee Morning and Toddler Group where young children and their Carers meet for refreshments and lots of play and chat. 


There is also a craft group who meet twice a month for craft and fun. We provide a space for teenagers with our Sunday Y which brings together young people from Keyworth,

Bradmore and beyond. 


 For more information about worship and  community groups please visit our website

on the link below.